Happiness Projects – NOVICA Blog https://www.novica.com/blog Home Decor, Jewelry & Gifts by Talented Artisans Worldwide Mon, 18 Oct 2021 05:54:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 https://www.novica.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png Happiness Projects – NOVICA Blog https://www.novica.com/blog 32 32 Spreading Joy in West Africa with the Dumpong Soccer Field https://www.novica.com/blog/spreading-joy-in-west-africa-with-the-dumpong-soccer-field/ Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:07:03 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=24962 Even as Team West Africa works hard to develop new products to delight our customers, we’ve also prioritized our sense of social responsibility by supporting local artisans and our community.

Our Artisans are Like Family

Fundraiser for Collins and His Children

The last few years have brought joy and pain, and we have been there every step of the way to support the families and artisans we love.

One of our esteemed jewelry artisans, Collins Amanatey, has long suffered from kidney problems. To help with the high cost of dialysis, we decided to cover his treatment. After a long, courageous battle, Collins finally succumbed to his illness. In his honor, we set up an educational fund to provide scholarships to two of his children to complete their junior high school education.

Because childhood education is so important to us, we also chose to carry out a Happiness Project with the Dzorwulu school in Ghana, which supports children on the autism spectrum. In particular, we loved this school because of its emphasis on arts and crafts as an essential aspect of the curriculum. We brought in some of our favorite artisans—NOVICA jewelry designers Rita Addo Zakour, Tina Quaye, Robert Taylor, Robert Lanyoh, Ila Suleyman, and Anna Yawson—to help lead classes on designing and stringing beads. We provided materials and seed money to assist in creating a revolving fund to produce products for NOVICA, and we’re excited to see where this leads.

Kwabena Darko, West Africa Regional Director for NOVICA

The Birth of a Soccer Field

Way back in 2014, one of our artisans, mask carver Wilson Aboagye, told us about a group of school children in desperate need of new uniforms. In true NOVICA style, we challenged the members of the school to a soccer game against our staff. They won by two goals, and afterward, we celebrated with a huge lunch and the gift of new uniforms.

The videos and photographs which exposed the bad condition of the field and showed where one of the players – Thomas – juggled the soccer ball to 100, touched the heart of Roberto Milk, our CEO, who is noted for his interest in soccer. It was therefore not a surprise to me when he proposed that NOVICA should help to construct the field for the school. This was followed by the good news that his friend Mr. Paul Hower responded positively to help fund the construction of the soccer field for the school.

Paul and Roberto began thinking of ways to sponsor the renovation of the soccer field. Ultimately, Paul challenged Roberto to hike atop a 14,000 foot Colorado mountain and juggle a soccer ball 100 times, together with a group of local teenage club soccer players. Inspired by Thomas and the field build, they all did it, calling the effort #100Anywhere. It was quite an effort juggling at that altitude and thanks to the teenage soccer players they accomplished this feat with their very last soccer ball atop a rocky area of the summit. From this, they garnered fundraising support from the local Gunnison, Colorado community to help fund the construction of the soccer field for the school.

As soon as the idea to construct the soccer field for the school was concretized in 2019, the authorities of the school and the chief together with the elders of the Dumpong village were informed of the intention of NOVICA to repair the soccer field for the school. Receiving the news with excitement, they pleaded that, instead of repairing the original field we played on, they wanted us to help build a new field for them at a new site where they would soon move the school to. After some consideration, their proposal was heeded to. We contacted the District Chief Executive of the area, who agreed and offered their excavator to cut out and level the place for construction to begin.

We invited the school, the District Education office of the area, the District Chief Executive of the district, the Chief and elders of Dumpong Village, the Head Teacher, staff and pupils, for a special handing over ceremony of the soccer field.

As a prelude to the commissioning and handing over of the soccer field to the school and the community, I had the opportunity to tell the gathering about the mantra of NOVICA of Spreading Happiness to the world through the creation of a marketplace for both our artisans and customers. They were made to understand that the construction of the soccer field happened as a result of following our passion. It is our belief that the soccer field would serve the school and the community in several ways apart from helping to develop the sporting activities of the school and the community at large.

The Chief of Dumpong, Nana Ankobea Baah, the Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association of the school, Nana Safohene, the Headmistress, Mrs. Mercy Asare and staff, Mr. Lawrence Asigbe, the Deputy Director in charge of Supervision from the District Education Office, the pupils of the school, Team NOVICA and some few artisans, helped us to unveil the signpost with the inscription: “Dumpong D/A Primary & JSS School Park, Built by #100Anywhere and NOVICA” to officially commission and handover the newly constructed soccer field to the school and the community.

Immediately after that, a football match between the school and team NOVICA was played to initiate the use of the soccer field, which ended in penalty kicks.

An acceptance speech was delivered by the Headmistress, Mrs. Asare, expressing her appreciation for what we had done for the school and she made a passionate request for a mower to enable the school to maintain the field.

The Chief of Dumpong, Nana Ankobea Baah, and the Parent Teacher Association’s Chairman, Nana Asafohene Apeadu, also expressed their gratitude for providing the school and the community with such an asset and made a commitment that the maintenance of the soccer field would not be taken for granted.

Mr. Lawrence Asigbey, from the District Education Office also expressed his gratitude for the construction of the soccer field for the school. He advised on how the maintenance of the field would reflect the image of the school. He also said that, if the field is kept properly, the district office would assist to do the track markings on the field so that athletics and soccer competitions among the schools within the district can be organized at Dumpong.


Special show of gratitude

At this point, Team NOVICA would like to recognize and thank Mr. Paul Hower, the Gunnison Colorado community, the teenage soccer players and #100Anywhere for this gesture of constructing a soccer field for the school and the community. It is our belief that this newly constructed soccer field, which will definitely be used for other sporting activities of the school, will go a long way to develop and bring out the talents in some of the pupils like we saw in little Thomas. Thank you all!


Happiness Project Highlights in 2019 https://www.novica.com/blog/the-one-thing-money-cant-buy/ Tue, 03 Dec 2019 00:14:49 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=18312

Happiness is not a commodity. It must be created, cultivated, and shared. Our NOVICA global teams dedicate themselves daily to delivering joy in unexpected and meaningful ways.

2019 was a good year for happiness. NOVICA offices around the globe curated experiences that delivered hope, provided support, and showed love in meaningful ways. As we look back on the Happiness Projects that we’ve manifested this year, we’re reaffirmed in our belief that together we can change lives. Here are a few highlights worth celebrating.

Confronting social stigma in Ghana

A happiness cadre of NOVICA artisans and staff from the West Africa office pulled up to the Dzorwulu Special School with big plans for the day. Armed with jewelry-making materials and huge smiles, they began the day with warm introductions. Dzorwulu exists to support the care of children on the Autism Spectrum, who are often marginalized from society and whose parents lack resources to address their needs. After friendly greetings, artisans, NOVICA staff, teachers and students dove into the best part of the day: making art together. They strung beautiful beaded necklaces, created intricate earrings, and so much more. Soon, it was time to share a meal together, and our team had a chance to learn about the incredible dedication of teachers at the school, who often use their own money to buy art supplies when donations are short, which it frequently the case. When it came time to part ways, artisans and NOVICA staff gifted the school seed money to continue their artistic endeavors, hoping to one day feature their incredible designs on NOVICA.com. Learn more about this project

Laughter combats illness in Guadalajara

In Guadalajara, our NOVICA Mexico team found true inspiration in a group of children with terminal cancer, whose enthusiasm and love of life remind us all how lucky we are to be here. Partnering with the My Last Wish organization, who provide beds, food, bathrooms, and other necessities to children with incurable cancer or less than two months to live, our staff discovered how powerful warmth, laughter, and joy can be. After scrubbing and prepping the building, the Mexico team dedicated themselves to throwing a party none of the patients would forget. With lively music, piping hot hamburgers, a Laughter Therapy workshop, a painting lesson, a live performance, and an embroidered jacket for each child, their goal was to shower these kids with love and affection. Parting ways at the end of the day was harder than anyone imagined. Learn more about this project

Celebrating our artisan family in Guatemala

For this Happiness Project, our Central America team focused their love and appreciation a little closer to home by throwing a huge Christmas fiesta for artisans and their families. Decking the halls with handmade ornaments, delicious chuchitos, and a jolly Santa Claus, our NOVICA team created an atmosphere of warmth and festivity to celebrate artisans who have overcome so many of life’s adversities to be here. As artisans battle illness, struggle to raise children, and work hard to support their families, this NOVICA team went to great lengths to show them that they are not alone. Learn more about this project

An afternoon at the circus for refugees in Brazil

Two hundred thousand Venezuelan refugees have fled dire conditions in their own country and taken up residence in Brazil. They need so many basic necessities for survival that the simple and carefree importance of childhood often feels like an afterthought. This Happiness Project attempted to restore that sense of freedom for 16 refugee children and 4 adults in Rio de Janeiro. With live Samba music playing, jugglers juggling, acrobats performing, and unexpected gifts around every corner, the Brazil team created an afternoon of laughter, awe, and kindness for a group of deserving children and adults who deserve it every day. Learn more about this project

A backpack of necessities for the homeless in Los Angeles

NOVICA CEO, Roberto Milk, stormed the office one day with an idea. With homelessness on the rise in L.A., he asked the office what essentials they couldn’t live without. Everyone offered different suggestions until, finally, they agreed upon a core package of necessities. Toilet paper, sanitary napkins, Band-aids, first aid kits, non-perishable food, duct tape, flashlights, batteries, and the list went on. Once the backpacks were stuffed, the L.A. office set out in search of recipients. Careful to respect privacy when homeless tents were closed, and mindful of personal space when an individual was not interested, the team spread out around Santa Monica to deliver backpacks to those who wanted them. Some engaged in long conversations about how they became homeless. Others accepted the backpacks with quiet appreciation. While this Happiness Project may not eradicate the overwhelming challenge of homelessness, it created opportunities for meaningful connection and conversation. Learn more about this project

Our mission is to spread happiness around the globe, and your purchases make that possible. 10% of purchases on the NOVICA website throughout Giving Tuesday will go towards funding Happiness Projects in 2020 and beyond! Learn more about the work we’re doing and the projects we undertake in the name of happiness.


Spreading Happiness at the Dzorwulu Special School https://www.novica.com/blog/spreading-happiness-to-the-dzorwulu-special-school/ https://www.novica.com/blog/spreading-happiness-to-the-dzorwulu-special-school/#comments Mon, 18 Nov 2019 20:54:49 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=18248

Dzorwulu Special School, as the name connotes, is a school specially set up for children with autism in Ghana. Most parents with such children find it difficult to handle them alone, apart from the stigmatization of the society towards such children. So, this school was set up to give relief to the parents of such children by providing them with care, treatment, training, and hopefully, by helping to explore their hidden talents. The school aims to give hope to the parents and the kids so that they can grow up to be an integral part of society.

Background of the School

There was no establishment that catered to developmentally challenged children before 1968. Previously, parents with mentally handicapped children considered it acceptable to keep them securely at home, or locked them up whenever they went out of the home. This was typical practice since the general community did not readily accept such children. Feeling very sensitive to the plight of these children, a social welfare officer, Mrs. Josephine Afrifa, along with Mr. E. S. Aidoo, then a Judicial Secretary, considered the position, had discussions about it and initiated the inauguration of the Society of Friends of Mentally Challenged Children. A few days after, they were joined by some friends who shared the same feeling for the kids.

Beatrice Anim happily shows off her necklace while volunteer, Isaac, wears a matching bracelet.

Through the initiative of the Society, these children were brought together and accommodated at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, together with the adult patients. Later on, with their basic aim of providing for the well-being of the children, the Society realized the need to provide relief for these kids, by providing them their own rehabilitation center and giving them care and training in skills. They propagated the awakening of public awareness and understanding of the problems of mentally challenged children. There was promotion and financing of research into the causes, prevention, and treatment for these children, as well as providing care and education.

Motivated by this ambition, the Society embarked on a successful fundraising venture, which enabled the building of its own institution, solely dedicated to the children before the end of 1970. The facility was run by the Society, with the assistance of the government ensuring that the academic, domestic and medical necessities were being provided by the Ministries of Education and Health. After some time, the Society began to have difficulty in providing money to run the school from their own resources. They, therefore, approached the government and handed over the running of the school in 1974. Thereafter, the name of the school was changed to Dzorwulu Special School.

Presentation of funds to Assistant Headmaster, Mr. Frederick Tetteh (right) by Mr. Robert Darko, (left) Regional Director of NOVICA, West Africa.

After running the school over time, the special attention given to the school has dwindled so much that the authorities of the school heavily depend on donations from individuals and other philanthropic organizations. These subsidize the little funds that the government provides, for the effective running of the school. Notwithstanding the limited funding from the government, the school is thriving on the benevolence and mercy of the devoted and committed teachers who are sacrificing their own gains to run the school and take care of the children. Their passion for these children runs deep.

Happiness Project – 2019

Members of NOVICA’s Team West Africa

Targeting children to be the beneficiaries of the Happiness Project for 2019, Team West Africa chose the children of the Dzorwulu Special School.

On a visit to the school to learn about what goes on there, it became interesting to learn that among the activities of the school was an arts and crafts department that offers training to a group of children who were learning how to design and string beads into jewelry. It was very heartwarming to see these children, seriously stringing beads into jewelry, while a second group knotted pieces of cut fabrics into floor mats.

Mary strings beads while NOVICA artisan Rita Addo Zakour looks on with admiration.

Special mention has to be made of Mrs. Rose Amedegbe and Ms. Gifty Mintah, who teach the kids about jewelry and floor rug making respectively. These two teachers sometimes donate their own money to buy art materials for the kids when the school runs out of funds. Gifty told us that she sometimes has to bring some of her own clothes to be cut into pieces for the kids to use for the making of the floor rugs when she becomes hard-pressed for materials. “They deserve our respect,” she says.

Mary happily displays her strung beads

Seeing the interest and joy on the faces of the children, as well as the passion we felt from the teachers motivated us to encourage them in their jewelry and rug production. We hope to list them on the NOVICA website in the future.

To motivate them further, I recommended the Dzorwulu Special School as a beneficiary of our Happiness Project by giving them materials and some seed money to assist in producing more products. We hope to create a revolving fund for them to work with at all times.

We also involved some of our artisans in the planning of the activities for the Happiness Project we had for the children. NOVICA jewelry designers, Rita Addo Zakour, Tina Quaye, Robert Taylor, Robert Lanyoh Ila Suleyman, and Anna Yawson, offered to teach and give directions to the kids with the stringing of beads into beautiful necklaces and bracelets.

Display of raw materials

As an addendum to NOVICA’s twentieth anniversary, we selected May 31, 2019 to spread happiness to the children of the Dzorwulu Special School. Usually, the craft department of the school can involve just about 30% of the total population of the children in the school, but we were able to include the whole school in the program we planned for them.

Ila Suleyman assists school student Princess Ayim stringing a bead.

We started by telling them about NOVICA’s mission and our mantra of spreading happiness by ensuring that our artisans are happy. We accomplish this by offering them fair prices with no binding contracts and by encouraging them to build a successful, sustainable business through their crafts. At the same time, we try to cultivate happy customers by offering them unique handmade products of great value, beauty, and quality. We attempt to help with joy and to nurture and elevate the craft of global artisans. And finally, that we spread happiness by our commitment to “Connect, Empower and Preserve.”

We, therefore, felt committed, and spent the day with those beautiful and talented children of the Dzorwulu Special School, and spread happiness by putting smiles on their faces.

Team West Africa presents raw materials to school student Emmanuel Adu Twum. (left)

We presented the school with art materials such as beads, nylon thread, and fabrics for jewelry and floor rugs.

After that, we split the children into smaller groups and shared them among the NOVICA jewelry designers who assisted them to string the beads and came up with new designs from the materials given to them. During the cause of the teaching and learning session, the seriousness and commitment shown on the faces of the children demonstrated their excitement and happiness to our gesture.

Finished jewelry pieces created by Dzorwulu Special School students.

We crowned it off by sharing packed food and drinks to the children, which we enjoyed with them.

We felt satisfied at the end of the day when we realized that we have really put smiles on the faces of these lovely children, and touched the hearts of the teachers and the school as a whole.

Article by Mr. Robert Darko. 2019. Ghana

https://www.novica.com/blog/spreading-happiness-to-the-dzorwulu-special-school/feed/ 1
No Child Should Live Without This https://www.novica.com/blog/no-child-should-live-without-this/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 03:12:50 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=18330

With their homeland in turmoil and their futures uncertain, this group of refugee children from Venezuela received a special visit from NOVICA Brazil for an unforgettable experience.

The circus band paraded into the large tent as audience members bounced in their seats. There were jugglers, mimes, and goofy performers to make everyone laugh. For a single afternoon, a group of 16 refugee children and four mothers were transported away from the difficult demands of life as a refugee and into the carefree world of the circus. It was a far cry from the reality they have known for the past four years.

As Venezuela continues to reel from an extreme socioeconomic and political crisis, millions have fled the country in fear and desperation. Two hundred thousand of them have entered Brazil—one third of whom are children.

When NOVICA’s Brazil office sat down to plan a Happiness Project, the list of deserving organizations was long. But at the top of that list was a group of refugee children who had endured the pain and hardship of leaving their homes behind and setting out for a future of uncertainty and unknown challenges.

What could NOVICA Brazil offer them in the face of so much turmoil? The answer was both simple and complex. An opportunity to momentarily forget the violence, insecurity, and threats that once filled their days, and instead, lose themselves to the freedom and joy of childhood. Where better to do so than the circus?

The children watched in wonder as the entertainers performed magic, acrobatics, and death-defying stunts. Their smiles, laughter, and amazement said more than their words could have. Because for that afternoon, life was all about play, fantasy, and the magic of the circus tent.

The children and their mothers returned home that evening, but there was more in store from the Brazil office. The next morning, team member surprised the kids at the refugee center with armloads of school supplies. Notebooks, pens, and pencils were followed by huge scoops of ice-cream.

For a refugee, heartbreak over leaving their home is compounded by an often unwelcome reception in a new environment. The NOVICA team in the Brazil office wanted to make it abundantly clear that these families were welcome, and also that their needs, wishes, and hopes were valid and supported.

No child should have to forego an experience of childhood because political, social, and economic strife dictate otherwise. This Happiness Project set out to celebrate childhood, and judging by the heartfelt sendoff they received at the end of the day, it seems that they delivered.

Our mission is to spread happiness around the globe, and your purchases make that possible. Learn more about the work we’re doing and the projects we undertake in the name of happiness.

A Small Act of Kindness with Big Impact https://www.novica.com/blog/a-small-act-of-kindness-with-big-impact/ Wed, 03 Jul 2019 17:58:52 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=18328

NOVICA Headquarters set out to support local homeless individuals. They soon learned that kindness flowed both ways.

The backpacks were all in bright colors. Vibrant blues, electric oranges, joyful yellows. The contents ranged from bare necessity to unexpected luxury. NOVICA headquarters in Santa Monica was preparing to celebrate 20 years of artisan empowerment, consciousness building, and hard work. But first, one more way to spread a little joy in the community that they have called home since the beginning.

CEO Roberto Milk had an idea for a Happiness Project that would put the Santa Monica office in direct contact with a group of people who have been marginalized, maligned, and often forgotten. They are the homeless in Los Angeles, and their stories are as diverse and complex as can be.

The root causes of homeless are varied and often compounded. From lack of affordable housing, poverty, and unemployment to mental illness and substance abuse, the challenge can feel insurmountable. According to L.A. Homeless Services Authority, in 2019, up to 60,000 individuals may be homeless on any given night. With these kinds of staggering numbers, the NOVICA office decided their intervention would have to focus on individual human lives, on the people they encountered in their own backyard.

So they gathered at the office with their arms full of supplies. They laid everything on the table. There were non-perishable foods, enormous rolls of duct tape, durable water bottles, sanitary packs, and other essentials. But best of all, there was a gorgeous, warm, handmade Peruvian blanket from NOVICA. Then they dove into the work of stuffing each and every bag.

Finally, they broke into groups of 2-3 people and set out for the streets.

“You think it would be easy to simply walk up to someone and hand them a backpack,” one NOVICA team member admitted. “But you get nervous because you don’t know them and they don’t know you, and you want to be mindful of their privacy and personal space.”

The NOVICA team quickly made decisions about who to approach and what to say. If a tent was closed, it was important to respect that. If someone refused the backpack, you wished them a nice day and didn’t insist.

But most people received it with gratitude, warmth, and conversation. The NOVICA office soon learned that each individual had an incredible story to share. One man, Chris, was from London. He’d hiked the Inca Trail. He’d had a steady job, then he’d lost everything. For the past four years, he had been on-and-off the streets—a recurring theme in the lives of many homeless individuals. Chris’ eyes lit up when he peered into the backpack. He said it was the nicest he’d ever received.

While the root causes of homeless persist, and while social, political, and economic initiatives are necessary to truly address the problem, this LA Happiness Project spread joy to real people in our community—who in turn, showed us kindness and warmth. As we celebrate two decades of social and economic justice around the globe, it’s important to remember that giving back can occur in small, but meaningful ways…and that human connection transcends our differences.

Our mission is to spread happiness around the globe, and your purchases make that possible.  Learn more about the work we’re doing and the projects we undertake in the name of happiness.

For These Brave Little Warriors, Love Outshines Illness https://www.novica.com/blog/novica-shares-a-day-with-brave-little-warriors/ https://www.novica.com/blog/novica-shares-a-day-with-brave-little-warriors/#respond Mon, 29 Apr 2019 23:53:34 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=17094

The NOVICA Happiness Project teams up with My Last Wish to show a group of children that cancer does not define them.

Seeing the ocean. Meeting Mickey Mouse. Talking to a celebrity from the world of professional sports. These requests are not arbitrary whims. They are the last wishes of children who are looking death in the face. Thanks to the support of generous people and businesses, the My Last Wish Foundation makes these dreams possible.

NOVICA wanted to share in the love.

Around the world, NOVICA carries out Happiness Projects that bring joy, hope, and support to people and communities. It was time to take the project to My Last Wish home in Guadalajara.

Weeks earlier, NOVICA members visited the shelter to talk about this project with Tomas Lopez, founder of the association, and organize everything. There, we learned about the magnitude of the work this foundation does every day to offer a space in this huge city where children with cancer can come, rest and, from there, go to their doctor appointments and chemotherapy sessions in the nearby hospital.

In My Last Wish, dreams come true for children in the terminal stage of cancer when doctors diagnose them with two months to live or as incurable. In addition, children and their families can stay there when they live more than three hours from Guadalajara. They are given beds, food, and bathrooms free of charge, among other kinds of help.

The date was set for February 15, as the office wouldn’t be so busy that day. And though it wasn’t planned that way, the date happened to coincide with the International Day of Children with Cancer.

“I don’t call this a coincidence,” Tomas exclaimed. “I call it a God-incidence, as these are His designs!”

The big day arrived

The teams were organized and ready. Some would prepare the food, others the decorations and activities. By 10 a.m., everyone was ready and eager to begin the Happiness Project.

The NOVICA team arrived with brooms, soap, paint, brushes and rollers, and other tools to work on the building.

The rooms needing some work were the main salon, the children’s bedrooms, and a storage room that would be transformed into a therapy room.

The team assigned specific tasks — some washed the walls and scraped off the old paint while others began painting. Still others cleaned the stairs and swept the community areas. Chatting and joking, they all worked very hard to have everything ready before 1 p.m. and be able to decorate for the fiesta with the children and their families.

When the painting was finished and retouched, the food team went to the kitchen to wash, disinfect and prepare the meal — a fun and attractive menu for the children.

Two more teams split up to clean the bedrooms and empty the storage area. The men carried boxes from one place to another until all that was left were the walls to paint. The music and fun continued there.

The work was hard but, despite their weariness, everyone was excited about what was to come. Finally, it was time to set up the chairs, tables and stage area and take care of the final details.

A round of applause for these little giants

 The stage was ready, the food waiting to be served, the children happy and you could feel the excitement!

“Welcome!” someone in the group shouted. Immediately, everyone stood up and greeted the first child to arrive at the home with a round of applause. “Welcome! Welcome!” they shouted.

The first arrival was a teen who was just released from the hospital and came to My Last Wish to rest before starting home the next day. Despite his condition, he was happy.

A few minutes later, Atziri, a four-year-old struggling with lung cancer, arrived with her parents and she was also received by a standing ovation.

In this way, as each child and family arrived, they were received and recognized with joy. Proud little warriors — two, three, four, six, eight and 12 years-old — came through the door. All of them fight the battle against cancer every day. Among them was a two-year-old dressed as Supergirl, playful and happy to see all the people waiting to greet her.

Once most of the children were there, the event began with a meal served by the food team. They had a buffet of attractive dishes and hot hamburgers ready.

One by one, the children, parents, and grandparents picked up their food and drinks. When the children saw the caterpillars made of apples and chocolate, the looks on their faces showed us that our mission had been accomplished.

After everyone had eaten, the children, their families, home staff and Novicans listened to the song “Color of Hope.” Immediately, everyone started to sing and clap their hands in a fiesta brimming with happiness and hope.

Laughter from the soul

Next, NOVICA artisan Odette Sierra stood at the entrance to the room, holding a red speaker as she and Valeria, from the NOVICA team, walked toward the spectators shouting “Hello!” and greeting all the guests.

This was the beginning of the Laughter Therapy workshop that Odette kindly offered to lead. There were dynamics, games, and strategies to laugh from deep inside — from the soul itself — as she explained how laughing had important benefits. Her dialogue with Valeria was interesting and fun so that everyone interacted with everyone else and laughter filled the room.

Odette is an incredible artisan who works with marble and onyx. When she was 40, she was diagnosed with polyneuropathy. She suffered for 16 years but she never gave up and always found a way to overcome her diagnosis. Although she was paralyzed, she experienced the strength and healing power that comes from staying positive in the face of misfortune. She calls her recovery a “miracle of God.”

During the event, Odette confided to a few of us that attending the event had been a real challenge. When we invited her to participate in the workshop, she had lost her father, whom she loved with all her heart, to a heart attack only a week before. Devasted, she accepted because participating exemplified her father’s message. He’d told her, “My daughter, I’ve gone without any pain. I didn’t suffer. These children are suffering in a painful struggle against cancer.” Odette said that knowing this brought peace. She cried, but then found the energy to continue with the event.

Paint your sculpture

 After the Laughter workshop came a workshop called Paint Your Sculpture led by another NOVICA artisan, Alejandra Acevez. With her characteristic charisma and enthusiasm, she shared tips on decoration and how to combine colors.

Each child was given a plain plaster piggy bank, paintbrushes and all kinds of colors so they could set their creativity free. All of them became artists.

Alejandra drew on the whiteboard and suggested motifs to decorate their banks. The NOVICA team mingled with the children and talked with them as they enjoyed mixing colors. In a matter of moments, everything was filled with color.

Alejandra’s participation meant a lot to the entire team. She, too, is an example of struggle. Some years ago, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and has faced it with courage and strength. Even so, it’s not easy take on activities such as walking and swimming every day but she knows that thanks to this, she has been able to improve and achieve.

When the odds were against her, without a cure for her disease, she found the strength to change her life. In fact, she did the impossible — she won a deep water swimming competition. For this and for her big heart, she shared her energy with everyone present.

The children took their piggy banks home, happy to have painted them themselves.

Third call… and the show begins

A paper curtain was hung across a space in front of the children. It was painted with trees, clouds and a small pond. But it wasn’t only for decoration. It was the stage set for a small play where the actors were members of the NOVICA team.

To the children’s applause, Madame Sophia stepped onto the stage, followed by Mr. Toad, the worker ant, the privileged bee, two charismatic trees, and a small caterpillar. These characters come from the book The Caterpillar in the Forest by Alma Rodriguez.

No one is an actor. We all enthusiastically prepared and rehearsed a week ahead of the event to present this play.

The children paid close attention and interacted with the characters, shouting excitedly to answer the questions the caterpillar and the ant asked.

“A caterpillar was looking for a place to weave her cocoon. On her search, she encountered different animals who all gave their opinion on the best place for her transformation, each one according to its own way of being. But the caterpillar was neither a toad nor an ant. In the end, the caterpillar listened to her own heart, wove her cocoon on the branch of a tree and there she was transformed into a beautiful butterfly.”

The songs “Hakuna Matata” and “This Night is to Love” set the mood for this lovely self-affirming story.

When the play was over, the event came to an end with the gift of an embroidered jacket for each child. Everything was ready with a specific message for this special moment.

Every person present received a decal depicting the shape of a hand in different colors while two team members placed a sheet of vinyl on the wall. Finally, everyone was told to go up to the wall and place their hand there beneath the phrase “Together We Realize Dreams.”

This was a day when emotions, physical work, smiles, the love for art, and a revitalizing energy all came together. Everyone came to bring happiness to the lives of these small warriors.


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The Essential Ingredients for A Spirited Christmas Fiesta https://www.novica.com/blog/in-guatemala-we-light-up-christmas-with-smiles/ https://www.novica.com/blog/in-guatemala-we-light-up-christmas-with-smiles/#respond Tue, 01 Jan 2019 02:55:36 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=15752

How one NOVICA Happiness Project in Guatemala shines a light on love this Christmas season

Stars, ornaments, and Mr. and Mrs. Claus: the foundation for an incredible holiday celebration.

As the year ends, it’s always a good time to pause and recharge, to strengthen friendships and set new goals for the year ahead. At NOVICA, we decided that happiness will be the light that guides our work and we wanted to share this happiness with the artisans, their families and the team in our Guatemala office.

This year, we decided to have a family Christmas celebration because we believe that a solid and unified family is key to our mission to preserve, empower and connect our artisans with sales opportunities around the world. Our celebration was part of the Happiness Project, that motivates us to unite our team and collaborators.

We were joined by the artisans whose stories we’ve shared with you. Artisans like Victor Hugo Lopez who, despite the adversities he’s faced, has never lost the smile that illuminates his beautiful woodwork. Don Victor arrived with his grandson’s wife and his little great-grandson.

Don Víctor sees the talent of his great-grandson while painting Christmas decorations.

The little boy has inherited his great grandfather’s talent and skillfully colored the stars we gave out to the children who participated in the ornament activity. Some of these stars now hang on the Christmas tree that welcomes people to our NOVICA office in Guatemala. Others were taken home by the children to decorate their own houses. It feels good to know that a part of us will be sharing the holiday in other homes.

Remember Zandra Sajbin, the jewelry artisan who is working toward taking her children to Disney World one day? She and her three children also accompanied us. The two older kids are adolescents now though when we met them, they were toddlers.

The family of our beloved Zandra took a picture with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Aura Garcia joined us too. She’s the talented artisan who uses fabric and wood to make the worry dolls that help us with our problems. As mentioned in another blog post, this past year has been tough for her, but she continues to work with optimism.

On Saturday morning, December 8, we all felt energized to see so many little hands sparkling with glitter, to see our offices filled with the smiles of children who scampered from one place to another, having fun with the artisans who are NOVICA’S reason for existence.

We are happy to share with the families of those who make NOVICA possible.

Without a doubt, the highlight of the party was the arrival of Santa Claus and his wife, who made everyone laugh with their jokes and games. Some of the children won a small prize to take home.

Santa and Mrs. Claus joined us for a delicious meal of Guatemalan chuchitos, a kind of tamales made of steamed corn masa filled with pork and a delicious salsa. We washed it all down with a traditional ponche, a hot, sweet beverage brewed from fresh and dried fruits. If you’re ever in Guatemala, be sure to try these tasty treats. You’ll love them.

We have fun with games, prizes and above all, many smiles.

Then it was time for photographs of the team and guests so that each family could take home a picture with Santa and his wife. We all felt such satisfaction to be a part of this Christmas party and to have worked another year for our artisans and the shoppers who give them the opportunity to get ahead.

May happiness guide the way for all of us in 2019.

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How A Small Organization with A Big Heart is Changing Lives https://www.novica.com/blog/happiness-golden-glow-of-the-young-and-silver-lining-of-the-old/ https://www.novica.com/blog/happiness-golden-glow-of-the-young-and-silver-lining-of-the-old/#respond Tue, 27 Nov 2018 07:50:00 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=15433 Happiness crusaders with bags full of dreams
NOVICA team India

The lessons from one NOVICA Happiness Project in India are simple, yet profound: Love is shared in the small details, basic gestures, and many acts of kindness.

Everywhere we look, there is a tear to wipe, a heart to lift, a soul to hug… but only if we look!

In our effort to spread a little more happiness and a little bit of cheer in our surroundings we came across an organization called Sarthak Prayas, literally translating to “Meaningful Endeavour,” which has extended itself to looking after the elderly, homeless and helpless by providing them a home, medical care, and dignity. They have also organized tuition for primary and middle school children from underprivileged families and given them an encouraging environment to study and learn basic life skills so they can become independent, confident, caring individuals.

NGO Founder

We connected with Mr. Harsh Arora the founder of Sarthak Prayas to know how we could help. His reply was heart touching. He said, “I would love you to give the most precious gift to my children and elders – your time!”

He welcomed us to visit one of his centers in Delhi and to spend an afternoon with the residents of the “Second Innings House.” We were invited to attend school with the children who come who are students there. They have a tradition of having a birthday party every month collectively celebrating the birthdays of all the children of that month. So, we decided to sponsor the birthday party for September.

September birthday celebrations
September birthday celebrations

On 11th September, we visited the center equipped with gifts and food for the 30 children there and the 12 elderly people who were residents of Second Innings. Unlike our expectation of a drab, dull place we were greeted by a cheerful ambiance full of sparkling eyes and smiley faces.

The next 4 hours whizzed past in fun and laughter, singing and dancing, talking animatedly to the young and old! We decorated the hall with streamers and balloons for the birthday party. Ananya who was celebrating her 11th birthday and Ashish who was celebrating his 12th birthday enjoyed cutting the cake and getting blessings from everybody.

Cake cutting and a birthday song

The children were at their entertaining best, telling jokes, teasing each other good-heartedly, and even having a dance face-off with our own NOVICA entertainer, Vinod.

Jokes, laughter, dancing
Jokes, laughter, dancing

We got to know the interesting inhabitants of the house including 93-year-old Mr. Rameshwar, who had sung with legendary playback singers of Bollywood back in the 1960’s.

Singing old bollywood song
Mr. Rameshwar, aged 93, a resident of Second Innings

Rameshwar’s love for music took him to the magical city of Bombay in the early 60’s. After a few years of struggle and a few chances of playback singing he did not see his career taking off and like many unsuccessful aspirants he returned to Delhi. He settled down to marriage and a steady job with a saree retailer but kept the memories of his tryst with Tinseltown alive in his heart. As life progressed he fulfilled all his duties as a husband, father, and grandfather. Then there came a time when his children’s lives became too full to accommodate him. Lonely after his wife’s death he told his children that he would be happier staying away from their home and came to Sarthak Prayas. His children come to meet him every regularly and the relationship is now more harmonious and respectful than ever before. He is thankful for the love, care and support that he gets in his new home and blesses the caretakers for their selfless service.

Mr. Ganesh Shanker Mishra who lost his whole family in a bomb blast in Delhi a few years ago still smiles through his pain and tells everybody to laugh and be merry.

Joy and laughter
Mr. Ganesh Shanker Mishra

Sunita, who feels blessed that she has a home and her dignity despite being thrown out of her house by her only son and his wife.

laughter through tears
Sunita aged 63, a resident of Second Inning

Chat with Sunita aged 63, a resident of Second Inning ~ Tiali Jamir

As we entered the Second Inning home, we saw rows of beds lined up against the wall.  There were elderly people, both men and women of different age groups. Some were having their afternoon nap while others were chit-chatting with each other. The environment looked very cheerful and my thought of a very grim and sad environment suddenly disappeared! All of them looked pretty happy. These are the people whose families have disowned them because they had become a burden to them. Now, they have found a home and a family in this Second Inning home ~ what a blessing!

I was suddenly intrigued by Sunita who was very chatty. I sat down by her side on her bed and started talking to her. Although she was very friendly and cheerful, I could see the pain in her heart. I asked her what made her come to the Second Inning home? Frankly, she looked hale and hearty and I really wanted to know why she chose to be here. She said, ‘Well, life was so beautiful but disaster struck when my eldest daughter-in-law passed away. She was like my own daughter and cared for me so much. I also used to work as a maid in a big mansion and I couldn’t have asked for a better life,’ she continued. ‘But my life came tumbling down when she passed away. My son re-married and my new daughter-in-law became my nightmare. She hated me so much, she would fight with my son and finally forced him to throw me out of the house. With nowhere to go, I landed up here in this home’  

Even after all this, she would not say a word against her son –such is the love of a mother for their children. Her eyes beamed when she said, ‘My son comes and sees me from time to time. He still cares for me!’ she exclaimed as she shed a few tears.

As we chat, Harsh, the founder of Second Inning walked by and Sunita could not hold her emotions. She burst into tears thanking him. ‘It is because of him that I am living a dignified life.’ This time, the tears she shed were of joy! I left the home as a better human being thanking God for all the blessings that he has bestowed upon me!

Lalit Thapa, who lost all will to live after the death of his young son and being abandoned by his own sisters.

Survivor and a fighter

Story of Lalit Thapa, aged 62, Nepal, resident, Second Innings ~ Deepa Gariya

62-year-old Lalit Thapa originally came from a small village near Pokhara, Nepal. He has been in Delhi for the last 30 years. He came to Delhi from Nepal and started working as a caretaker in a construction consultancy at Nehru place. Then, a few years back, his only son and wife, who was expecting their second child met with a fatal accident in his hometown. He was traumatized and went in a state of shock.

His two sisters insisted that he return to his hometown to stay with them. But after he went back he was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. As his sisters could not take care of him at home, they had him admitted to a charitable hospital in Pokhara. Initially, they visited him regularly but gradually they stopped coming to meet him on the pretext that their husbands refused to send them to meet him. Moreover, both the sisters said that they were too busy with their own household chores and family.

Lalit felt very sad and lonely. He was very hurt. He decided to come back to Delhi. After reaching Delhi he went back to meet the owner of the construction consultancy where he used to work. The owner, being a kind person, gave him a job on one of his construction sites. But, his health did not permit him to work. Finally, one fine day, he was brought to Sarthak Prayas, an old age home run by Mr. Harsh, a good friend of the owner of the construction consultancy where Lalit used to work.

Lalit came to Sarthak Prayas on the 29th of Sep, 2015. He says, “I am very happy here. Presently there are 13 of us and we all stay here like a family. At times people from outside come to visit us and share their happiness with us. Every evening, around 40 children from the neighbourhood come to attend the assistance classes offered by Sarthak Prayas. Their laughter and cheerfulness brightens the ambiance as well as our lives. The people at Sarthak Prayas take good care of me. They even got my prostate operated on after 5 years of suffering. Now, by God’s grace and Sarthak Prayas’ help, I am completely fine. They also got my cataract operation done. On one eye, it was done a few months back while it is just 29 days ago that I got it done on the other eye. I am a part of Sarthak Prayas family and wish to spend the rest of my life here.”

Mr. Arora, an engineering technocrat who has worked in many big companies in India and outside, now enjoys living in this home for its bonhomie and warmth.

Engineer and scientist

It was exhilarating, breath-taking and absolutely amazing how openly we were welcomed into the close-knit family of 30 little kids and 12 grandparents. So much love and respect all around! We had gone to spread happiness but collected a lot more for ourselves.

https://www.novica.com/blog/happiness-golden-glow-of-the-young-and-silver-lining-of-the-old/feed/ 0
How to Make the World’s Most Neglected Citizens Smile Wide https://www.novica.com/blog/novica-thailands-happiness-project-a-hit-with-kaenoi-orphans/ https://www.novica.com/blog/novica-thailands-happiness-project-a-hit-with-kaenoi-orphans/#comments Sat, 24 Nov 2018 02:47:18 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=15448
Children of the KaeNoi Orphanage

NOVICA’s Happiness Project in Thailand spotlights an incredible group of kids, the orphans of KaeNoi, with a day they won’t forget.

Groaning around hairpin turns with 18+% road grades in high altitude, our caravan struggles to reach our destination on time.

Our destination?  KaeNoi’s Priest Camp and Orphanage, located high in the north-central Thai mountains and home to almost 30 Hill Tribe and Lahu orphans.

Our Mission? To bring happiness and cheer to a group of young children being cared for by an 86 year-old venerable Buddhist monk in ill-health but with a passion for the care and education of these children. In addition, we are to repair and clean a much neglected toilet and bath-house. Doors lack latches or door-knobs, light bulbs are missing or burned out, light switches and wiring are faulty and dangerous, and the facilities are filthy.

Toilet and Bath House

Our caravan consists of two overloaded pickup trucks and three staff-packed tour vans. Each vehicle is loaded with food supplies and cooking equipment, sports equipment, special gifts, personal items, and building supplies.

Our Team? More than 20 NOVICA Thailand staff, and three American volunteers.

On our three-hour journey, the last 50 kilometers are the most arduous and eventful.  Due to the extreme road and traveling conditions, two vans lag behind, miss a critical turn and end up at the Thai-Burmese border. Thankfully, Thai border soldiers and helpful local residents get them back on track and headed in the right direction.

A wide mix of ethnicity – Thai, Lahu, and Chinese children.

KaeNoi is a mix of Thai, Hill Tribe, Burmese, and Chinese residents, mostly farmers growing a variety of vegetables to be sold in distant city markets. Narrow, single-lane roads lead us past local homes, small schools, and single-room businesses that front the road. Our destination lies up a short hill and is separated from the main village by a narrow dirt road.  Entering the compound we are curiously and anxiously greeted by a group of children, sweeping up large leaves in the grassless compound with home-made bamboo brooms. Smoke from the burning piles of collected leaves hang everywhere creating a mystic mountain-top scene. Within minutes of our arrival, apprehension, trepidation, and native shyness fall away as our team actively engages the children in conversation and greeting. Communicating is a challenge as these children do not speak Thai very well or at all, but smiles and a friendly spirit are an international language.

KaeNoi’s older children cleaning the temple and orphanage grounds.

Today’s schedule of events begins in the small temple with a short ceremony of blessing by the elderly monk upon the days’ activities, gifts and the donations we have brought.

Following the monks’ blessing, the NOVICA team is separated into 4 groups; Activity Team – overseeing 3 games for the children, Culinary Team – preparing a large meal for the entire group, Restoration Team – repairing the toilet facilities, and the Cheering Team – in charge of communication and building team spirit and excitement.

Venerable Monk Blessing our Gifts and Donations

Soon the entire complex is filled with the noise of activities and excitement. News of our arrival has spread throughout the village and soon the number of children has doubled. No one is turned away! There is fun and activities for all. The sounds of laughing and of happy children resound throughout the complex and filters down into the village.  Each game is played with energy and competitiveness, but the rewards of winning are happily shared by all children.

KaeNoi’s Children enjoying the sporting games.

Donated sports equipment brought big smiles to the children. New soccer balls, nets, badminton rackets, birdies and tug-of-war ropes will ensure sporting activities for a long time.

Sports equipment, personal items, and special snacks are a big hit!

While the children are caught up in the games, another group of NOVICA staff members prepares a delicious dinner feast. The smell of stir-fried pork with basil soon wafts through the trees along with boiled noodles and rice. Special dessert treats are prepared for all and numerous returns for seconds, thirds, and even fourths are common.  The members of our culinary team are rock-stars!

Culinary Team prepares a delicious lunch.

Meanwhile, the Restoration Team, consisting of myself (Walter,) Fred Raza, Blanche Raza, and 3 NOVICA staff members are busy installing door knobs, patching holes, repairing broken switches and wiring, installing new light bulbs, scrubbing, sanitizing, and cleaning the toilet and bathing facilities. Soon we discover the complex does not have consistent electric service and when there is electricity, it is barely enough to light a few bulbs and run the well and water pump.

Miss Dang cleans the toilet facilities.

This realization indicates the depth of need within this community for the care of their orphan citizens. Many of these children have parents in prison because of drug traffic, being drug mules, or having been killed by factions within the drug world. Orphans are not looked well upon in many areas of Thailand and their care is often limited to foreign organizations, foundations, and NGOs.  Their plight is often overlooked by local governments limited in funds and there are scant structures for their care. Our mission today cannot solve this ongoing problem, but our hope is to bring a little sunshine and happiness into one day of their lives.

Walter Nigh and Fred Raza repair bathroom doors.

NOVICA Thailands’ advance team, responsible for scoping out the needs of this project, were able to list the names of each child within the care of this small orphanage. Each child was presented with a care package consisting of personal care items, a sweater for cold weather, a small toy or stuffed animal, and some snacks.

Children enjoying their special gift packages.

Following the meal and clean up, we began our three-hour journey back to Chiangmai, including stopping at a temple along the way so some team members could give thanks and express gratitude for having taken part in bringing a little happiness into the lives of some of our world’s neglected citizens.

Children full of hope and expectation.

NOVICA’s Happiness Project is a huge success! Mission accomplished!


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Help for Alfredo Inga and Peru’s Flood Victims https://www.novica.com/blog/help-for-alfredo-inga-and-perus-flood-victims/ https://www.novica.com/blog/help-for-alfredo-inga-and-perus-flood-victims/#respond Mon, 07 Aug 2017 18:21:32 +0000 https://www.novica.com/blog/?p=12235 Catastrophic flooding hit Peru earlier this year, and NOVICA artisan Alfredo Inga was caught in the thick of the storm. His own home sustained major damage, and his community church was badly damaged.

Horrendous flooding in Peru Alfredo Inga and Peru's Flood Victims
San Juan Bautista Church

We’ve been talking with Alfredo for months now, trying to get him to tell us how we can help him out. We thought we could to help rebuild his house or replace some of his water logged furniture. However, Alfredo would hear none of that. He only wants help for his church family.

Aerial view

Alfredo is most concerned about the elderly members, including 87 year old Ricardo Yarleque, along with Yolanda, Teodora and Alfonso.

Alfredo Inga and Peru's flood victims
Alfredo Inga and Yolanda

Alfredo’s church is not only a place of worship, but after the floods it is doubling as a hospital and an assisted care facility. Critical medical supplies were washed away with the waters leaving the most vulnerable people, like Ricardo, in even more of a bad predicament.

Alfredo Inga and Perus flood victims
Ricardo Yarleque

Ricardo has colon cancer and is fully reliant upon him and his church to survive.  He is unable to stay at the hospital to get treatment for two reasons: 1. The hospital sustained major damage and only has room for a limited amount of patients, and  2. Ricardo does not have Peru’s equivalent of social security due to his disadvantaged status. In the countryside, many people are born without official record and therefore are not able to get help from the government for medical treatments. Even if hospital was fully functional, Ricardo couldn’t stay there for long. Alfredo’s church is stepping up to help him, but Ricardo still has a massive bill and a painful medical situation. He now has to stay at home or the church, and pay for his care entirely himself.

Yolanda, Teodora and Alfonso are all in their 80’s and have similar situations to Ricardo. All of them rely upon Alfredo’s church to fulfill their needs. Despite the church’s help, Yolanda really needs a walker and Teodora and Alfonso are in need of a wheelchair. Right now, they’re having to lean on others just to simply walk down the hall to their kitchen. Without the church, they would be in very bad shape.                                                                                                                                  We intend to fulfill Alfredo’s wishes, and help his community out.

Alfredo created a “wish list” of critical items his church needs, ASAP.

40 Mattresses at $37 USD each = $1,480

5 Cases of Ensure milk at $32 USD each = $160

4 Cases of Pediasure milk at $26 each = $104

3 Wheelchairs at $122 each = $366

3 Walkers at $67 each = $201

3 Canes at $37 each = $111

 Total = $2,422

With your help, we’d love to provide for all these items. Would you consider buying Alfredo’s church family a wheelchair, a mattress or a case of Ensure?  He’d really be thankful – and so would we. We’ve set up a GoFundMe page for Alfredo. You can find it here.

For more information on Alfredo, please check out his artisan profile page here. NOVICA will be donating an additional 10% of his sales towards the relief efforts.

We’ll continue to provide updates as they come in, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

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