I love this gorgeous holder. It’s so sturdy and the embroidery is exquisite. I use it for my cell phone as well as sunglasses. I’ve given it as a gift as well and the recipients love it too. I highly recommend it.
Love the non-matchy matchy pattern and the little tassel
This is very well made; it seems like it will hold up to wear. The plastic lining inside is very sturdy. The surprise is that it has 2 zippers and compartments, the main one on the top and one on the side with its own little compartment. So handy!
The green color is so vibrant and the embroidery is beautiful. It comes with a lone strap if one wants to use as a mini purse. I really like it. Thank you so very much. Your work is very beautiful.
"Starting out on my own was a difficult decision and very risky... Sometimes, I felt I had failed. I had to close my workshop twice... Practice, steadiness and perseverance were my pillars."
"As a girl, I was attracted to the art of design and fashion. It was something passed down from generation to generation in my family. "I... read more