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Member Benefits




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Earn 5% Credit on Purchases

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Level-up Welcome Code

50% off Premium Gift Wrapping

VIP Bonus Codes

Unlock New Ways to Earn Credit

Coming Soon

Have questions about our Passport Club benefits? Read our Rewards FAQ

Earning Stamps & Rewards

1st Treasure

Earn this stamp when you buy your first item

2nd Treasure

Earn this stamp when you buy your second item

3rd Treasure

Earn this stamp when you buy your third item

NOVICA Citizen

Earn this stamp when you complete your profile

+ a $10 reward

Artisan Advocate

Leave one or more reviews per quarter to earn this stamp

+ a $5 reward

Artisan Impact

Earn this stamp after buying 3 items from 1 artist

+ a $10 reward

Art Collector

Earn this stamp for every $400 you spend


Earn this stamp after buying from 3 world regions

+ a $10 reward

Social Champion

(Coming Soon!)

Earn this stamp when you refer 1 friend who shops

Explorers and Ambassadors also earn 5% on every purchase. Your reward credits are awarded every new quarter

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